Early April I started freelance work as a project manager for a new client in Cologne. This means that I will be spending some time in Cologne this spring and summer.
Unfortunately I missed this this winter’s crazy Colgne carnival season but this will still be great!
As man needs a shelter I started planning my accomodation for the first few weeks: I usually do not like the usual “business” hotels too much, at least not for a prolonged time. As I will be working in the same region for a manageable amount of time I rather wanted to look for an apartment for intermediate rent.
But as I also wanted to scout the city and to learn the ins and outs of the various districts the plan was to book a hotel for the first 1-2 weeks to look for a nice place to rent.
For the hotel part I used www.hrs.com which gave me a good proce-performance ratio before already. In the past I was disappointed on some occasions by hotel reservations when the images published by the hotel showed their nicest room(s) but then the room you will actually get looks somewhat different. I.e. only a part of the rooms was modernised and is showcased while you get a lame late 80’s flavored room.
So I prefer a more recently renovated hotel even if it is rated in a lower category on the site. The user ratings also often give more accurate information than the usual star rating.
This way I ended up booking a room in the Hostel Köln
I arrived really late because my train had a technical defect (a blocked brake) which turned a 5:40 hours trip into a 11 hour one. I’ll take the plane next time around!
The hotel carries the “hostel” in the name but it actually made a very good impression. Clean place that was renovated last year only.
They have this friendly fellow in the elevator – and I’m a friednly fellow as well, taking the photo.
My room had no less than 4 beds – 2×2 so you could share the room with friends. But I had the room for myself (actually booked a single room which they do have as well but those were booked for the night). They still only charged me the single rate which at 39 € with breakfast included is a good rate.
The bathroom was nice and clean as well with a nice shower – impressive volume flow rate and well controllable temperature. Two things done right here!
The rooms also have an LCD TV and free wireless network. The TV is actually the same Samsung TV/monitor hybrid series I use at home a.t.m.
Unfortunately the hotel only had free rooms for one night so I had to change hotels. Next stop: Hotel Azimut, which is located in the Saturn tower in Cologne.
Got a good rate from booking via HRS but had to learn later that the normal rate is a lot higher when I wanted to book a room here again.
Much nicer room even than before – with a comfy lounge chair.
Another Samsung LCD TV. They seem to be popular with the business clients.
Large bathroom which is not really visible in the picture. Nice and clean and comfy.
The famous Cologne Cathedral refuses to fit into one picture of my Canon Digital IXUS 100 IS (more accurately my wife’s who let me borrow it) when I stand in front of it.
In front of the cathedral also means in front of the main station as they are located on the same square.
The cathedral is situated on a plateau above the square.
Looking from the plateau to the main station’s entrance hall.
If you continue onwards to the left of the cathedral you will reach the Museum Ludwig
As one can learn from the museum’s webpage, Peter and Irene Ludwig agreed on 5 February 1976 to endow 350 modern artworks and in return the City of Cologne committed itself to build a dedicated “Museum Ludwig” for works made after the year 1900.
From here you can see the station’s main hall and the tracks which are covered by a roof construction.