Photo of the Library of Adams House in Harvard by Paul Lowry
The annual renewal for Harvard Business Review this year offers a special collection of articles on leadership as an additional incentive.
For those who did not get the offer the good news is that the articles can be bought separately from the HBR website.
More good news for the readers of the German language issue Harvard Business Manager is that some of the articles are available in German as well.
A short list of articles available in both languages at their respective publishers’ websites:
Drucker: Managing Oneself
In German: Die Kunst, sich selbst zu managen
Montgomery: Putting Leadership Back into Strategy
In German: Die Rückkehr der strategischen Führung
Rooke / Torbert: Seven Transformations of Leadership
In German: Die sieben Managertypen – und welcher Erfolg hat
Snowden and Boone: A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making
In German: Entscheiden in Chaotischen Zeiten
The articles may also be available via your library in paper or electronic form if they licensed the content, i.e. via a DFN or GVK+ access.
If they are not then you might be interested in a themed compilation with a possibly better content-to-price ratio, i.e. through Amazon (affiliate links below):